A heart beat at my feet: how our pets help us live our best lives

By: Victoria Hernandez

How important are our furry friends?

As we all know, pets can be great to be around when having a hard day. There’s nothing like cuddling next to your loved furry companion. We adore them as do they us, but is there fact behind why they make us feel better when we’re at our lowest?

Pets reduce your cardiovascular disease risk. Lower cholesterol, stress, and blood pressure levels combined with increased fitness may add up to a reduced risk of cardiovascular disease, a theory supported by the American Heart Association.

It’s also said that pets can help with anxiety, depression and even loneliness. Our pets provide companionship and encourage us to be friendlier when interacting with others.

Studies show that a pet is good for health and happiness! In fact, pets lower stress and depression levels. Interactions with therapy animals can decrease stress in humans. In a 2001 study, researchers saw that pet-owning patients with high blood pressure could keep their blood pressure at a lower rate during times of mental stress than patients without pets could.

 Also, a recent study from researchers at Miami University and Saint Louis University found out that pet owners had better self-esteem than non-pet owners did.  They also were less fearful and less preoccupied, all of which contributed to a decrease in overall stress levels.

        At Skyline High School, here’s what students on campus had to say about their pets:  

Briana Aguilar’s dog, Chapis, poses for the camera

 “If I’m stressed or depressed my dog Chapis is my go to! She knows I’m her mom and she always waits for me after school.” 
-Briana Aguilar 

Nazareth and her cat, Grey

 “My pets mean a lot to me, they are the best. They let me love on them and they like it!” -Nazareth Vergara

Daniela Plascencia with Queen and Max

“Whenever my pets see me go outside they’re always full of joy. When I’m having a bad day they always find a way to cheer me up!” -Daniela Plascencia

In conclusion, our pets know how to make us feel better whether it’s caring for them, playing with them or simply enjoying their company.  Even if you don’t own one, volunteer at an animal shelter; it just might brighten your day a little more!

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